Rabu, 04 Januari 2012

Waste of Time

We live in a world inundated with TV shows, junk food, social networking, video games, iPhone apps, mindless distractions. There's no question that my friends, my patients, even me - we waste some of our time with these activities. After a long day at work, I watch a mindless movie or scour social networks to unwind. But I can't help but wonder what the world would be like without these distractions. Is it wrong to say that exercise, cooking with friends, and reading books trump clicking through YouTube videos and (say it!) reading blogs? There's no doubt that for centuries we've had unproductive pastimes. But when I read an Economist article that argues video games are the future, I worry that the reason why a 25 year old doesn't have health insurance is not primarily a fault of health care laws or the job market but a surplus of instant gratification in society today. I know that if I slept more and wasted time less, I would be happier. But why can't I do it?

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