Rabu, 06 April 2011

Code Status III

As a last post on code status, I wanted to write about a patient I had with metastatic cancer who was able to articulate his goals at the end of life better than anyone else. He said, "I understand what the cancer means for me. I am happy with the life I've lived so far, and each day longer that I live is a blessing. I don't want any heroic measures at the end of my life, and I want to die with dignity. I don't want any machines or tubes, and ideally, I don't even want to be in the hospital. I want to work until the day I die. I'd like to travel to Europe, though I know I might not be able to. I don't need or want my life extended artificially." This conversation, however mushy it appears on this blog, was extraordinarily satisfying and taught me a lot more about his character, value, and wishes than anything else.

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