Senin, 13 Februari 2012

Indian Microsoft Online Store Attacked By Hackers – Change Your Password!

During Sunday, a group of hackers attacked the online store of Microsoft India. Without giving any reasons for this cyber assault, they replaced the home page of the Redmond tech giant with a picture of a person wearing a hood and a mask, “V for Vendetta” style. We all know that this look is associated with the group of online activists “Anonymous”, so the attack seems to have come from their side.
The offensive was carried out by “EvilShadow Team – 7z1 & Ancker”, a group that apparently comes from China (as indicating a flag found in the photograph). Although during the first hours, Microsoft thought that the impact of the attack was not very high, during the day they learned that hackers had access to all user accounts on the site, including their passwords, which were stored in plain text (ie without encryption).
Indian Microsoft Online Store Attacked By Hackers
Indian Microsoft Online Store Attacked By Hackers
There is no official information on whether attackers also accessed the credit card information of the Indian Microsoft users.
The company has not officially released any statements. The recommendation for users of the store for now is to change their online passwords. For now, the Microsoft India site is down and this message is the only one that is visible: “ The Microsoft Store India is currently unavailable. Microsoft is working to restore access as quickly as possible. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.”
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