Rabu, 29 Februari 2012

Windows 8 Product Key, CD Key, Serial Number (NO Crack, Keygen, Torrent Download, Activation)

This tutorial will describe how to find the lost product key (cd key, serial number) for your Windows 8. No illegal materials should be used: crack, keygen, torrent download or other windows activation methods as they are forbidden by the law).

Windows 8 is the first operating system which could join the tablet’s world to the PC one. It offers to its users an interactive and pleasant experience when being in front of their desktop keyboard and, also when using the touchscreen of their tablet.
In order to equally satisfy both type of devices, Windows 8 adopts a two different interfaces system. Therefore, it will have an interface which is specifically designed for PC’s and laptops and another one which will be used on touchscreen devices.Those which prefer the classic PC interface will be able to use a similar Windows Explorer with the one that we have seen on windows 7.  But this will be modified in Windows 8 in order to provide a better experience during usual operations. It will also be optimized for a better compatibility with touchscreens. In order to accomplish this scope, the Windows 8 interface has been equipped with a generous collection of different sizes icons, which will facilitate the accomplishment of different common tasks, like moving files using the touchscreen interface and not necessarily the keyboard or the mouse.
Instead of classic menus, in Windows 8 we have icons which are grouped on categories, using a ribbons system which will look familiar to the users of Microsoft Office 2010 and 2007. We will see if the modifications which Microsoft has done will be efficient, but the critics are saying that they have doubts regarding the Ribbon UI performances. Apparently the officials from Microsoft look very confident in the efficiency provided by the Windows 8 new characteristic and would like to force its usage.

Windows 8 optimized for tablets

The tablet version of the new Windows 8 has been called Metro UI. Without windows and complex menus, the new Metro interface comes with an elegant and dynamic design. Instead of unattractive buttons, stuffed in a very small space, Windows 8 Metro interface will come with graphic elements which will be very well differentiated and designed from the beginning in order to be controlled using nothing else but the stylus or your fingers.
The Windows 8 Metro is the solution which Microsoft has found in order to overpass the limitations imposed by the traditional Windows OS, which were created on a design platform that could not have been adapted in order to work efficiently on devices that don’t have mouse and keyboard.
On the contrary to Windows 8, the 7th edition, when installed on a tablet, will have cramped menus. they will be easy to work with if the device would have a mouse, but impossible to deal with when talking about a touchscreen UI. An other disadvantage was the excessive dependency to a keyboard when it came to run some common tasks, like selecting and moving some files. We were obliged to accomplish those kind of tasks by emulating the functionality of a mouse from the touchscreen interface, which was very annoying and uncomfortable. With Metro UI, Windows 8 will allow us to totally forget about mouse and keyboard, at least when it comes to multimedia activities or accessing common applications, specifically designed for this kind of interface.
If for some of us the Windows 8 Metro UI may look already familiar, this happens because the choice of design is not exactly what we would call new. It borrows some elements from the Windows Phone Platform and from the (dead) Zune media player line. Both interfaces have simple geometrical forms, clear and easy to read text, scroll effects which are less complex but with a strong visual impact.
Disclaimer: This a Windows 8 review. At the end of this post you will find some free methods of recovering your original Windows 8  product key (cd key, serial number), if you have lost it. Please do not ask us to provide free cd key, product key, serial number or other illegal materials like: crack, keygen, windows activation methods etc. Our site does not encourage piracy !
After passing the unlock screen of Windows 8 (which needs just a simple swipe gesture), we will have to insert the user password (if needed) and we will see the start screen.
This screen in Windows 8 is nothing else but a an adapted Start menu to  the tablet’s format. It also occupies the entire display surface From here we will launch all the installed applications and we will also receive relevant information on the apps status, which will have the form of an image or just text. For example, in Windows 8 we will be able to find out if we had received new e-mail messages, the last titles downloaded from the RSS client or the name of the song played by the minimized audio player. All these information in Windows 8 are updated in real time, so we will know in any moment if an application has new information to offer, without maximizing it in order to check it personally.
The applications which will be found in the start group of Windows 8 will be organized in special seized groups so they could be used in a very efficient way on the tablet’s screen. We can move, on our choice, the applications from a group to an other by just dragging them with our fingers, without being needed to press the application icon, as it needs to be done in Windows Phone. In order to move an application to a different group, in Windows 8, we will need multitouch gestures. To be more precise, we have to tap with our finger on the application icon and to scroll in the next group with the other hand.
The pinch zoom gesture in Windows 8, which, obviously, must be done with two fingers, will allow us to zoom in the start menu. At a maximum zoom, we will be able to easily read the relevant information regarding our applications, and, at a minimum zoom, we will receive an extended list with  all the installed applications, which will be grouped under the form of an reduced size icon.
With the swipe to left gesture, in Windows 8, we will receive a list of icons which will represent the active applications.
Windows 8 includes an side-by-side mode, too, which will allow splitting the screen in two equal parts. It is very useful for the wide-screen displays. The side-by-side mode in Windows 8 allows us to work simultaneously with two applications, improving in this way the productivity. In order to avoid this working style in Windows 8, we just have to pull to  the right or to the left side of the screen the icons which are displayed in the list with active applications.
The swipe to the right gesture offers an access to the Edge UI Interface in Windows 8 and displays an digital watch. This menu also contains the search, share, start, devices and settings elements.
If the start button in  Windows 8 will bring us back from where we left, the settings button displays a menu with notifications icons: screen illumination, network, audio volume etc. The settings button in Windows 8 is also the place where the running applications display the advanced configuration and customization options .
Microsoft has unveiled, Tuesday, Sept. 13, on an experimental version of Windows 8 at its annual conference of developers in Anaheim, California. The computer giant, dominating the PC, but left behind by Apple and Google in mobile devices, in this new system to take share on terminals 8 mobiles.Windows 8 is also designed to work with Intel microprocessors, but also ARM architectures, which dominate smartphones.
The American firm is first forward speed of execution of its system, which launches in seconds. The homepage has been redesigned, making it possible to access directly to applications such as Facebook, messaging services or information son. It can also be used on a computer with a mouse and a keyboard. Steven Sinofsky , head of Windows 8 at Microsoft, emphasized the fact that Windows 8 was oriented applications, for the first time, a online store applications in accordance with the present habits of computer users, tablets and smartphones.
The search button in Windows 8 will grant access to a feature which is similar to the one on the previous edition of this operating system. But now it comes Metro look. On the opposite to Windows 7, the search feature is now able to work with together with the installed applications in order to find relevant information. For example, while connecting your Windows 8 with a client of a social network, you will be able to use the search feature for finding information on that specific network.
The share feature in Windows 8 allows us to spread different information between applications, like the address of a webpage.
The Devices button in Windows 8 has the role of the old Device Manager. IT gives access to different configuration options for the installed devices.
Unfortunately, the Windows 8 Metro interface come with some disadvantages, too: it needs applications which are especially developed for running on this platform. The first version of Windows 8 Developer Preview offers a series of functional applications, lie Internet Explorer 10 and Remote Desktop client.
Disclaimer: After this Windows 8 Review you find some methods of recovering your lost product key (cd key, serial number) for your original software. Please note that we do not provide illegal content like: crack, keygen, torrent download or other illegal windows activation methods.

Windows 8 App Store

Like Android or iOS powered tablets, the Windows 8 ones will have their own applications store. Except some financial motivations, the presence of a virtual app store serves as a foundation for creating an ecosystem shaped from applications for Windows 8 Metro interface.
In Windows 8 you have an application for everything from Twitter to Facebook to Flickr and so on. Even the feed reader is integrated. And after a while of using the PC as if it were a tablet, in the end you realize that you were already astonished by it. When you need something more, there ‘s Desktop app in Windows 8. Even if the logic of the file manager is now obsolete , replaced by the search function for a long time, it is still used by some people. Come on, do not tell me to open a program that I do not have to look for it on the taskbar? I know: start -> all programs -> and I will run it.
Judging the Windows 8 Developer Preview for their services is not yet the case. But a few things strike me as the sleep mode that finally works properly. Just as it strikes me that, in order to make a screenshot you have to use some old tricks from XP: ctrl+Print and then glue on … Paint! I mean, there’s still paint!
Windows 7 Applications used on Windows 8
The compatibility between current applications and the new Windows 8 is a very important question. Fortunately, the answer is positive. Most of the windows 7 applications could be used under Windows 8.
An other serious reason that made the users to dear was the Windows 8 Metro interface. It is a very powerful and innovating alternative but it is also very different form the classic Windows Explorer. and this could create big adaptation issues to the users which are used with routines of old windows OS.
By clicking on the figure Windows 8 corresponding to this active user in the toolbar, there is the first innovation. By selecting the option to change the display image, the user has available two short videos. With that increase the customization options available in the system.
Windows 8 Ribbon Interface
One of the most anticipated new Windows 8, which comes in the form of preliminary Milestone 3 is the Ribbon interface applied to the Explorer. Despite being present in a somewhat hidden in the Windows 8  test version, the action already seems to be almost fully implemented.
The problems are the Windows 8 icons for each function so far, are nonexistent. Moreover, many of the available options arise repeatedly, suggesting a certain lack of polish in this stage of development.
As in Office, which is already common Windows 8 Ribbon, the use of the interface makes it easier to access some of the main resources of the machine. An example of this is that it is now possible to enter the option to uninstall programs without having to go into the Windows 8 Control Panel. In addition, the organization of folders and files is also more practical, dispensing the use of the context menu.
Windows 8 Image Editing
A new feature provided by the use of Windows 8 Ribbon is the ability to perform some simple editing images, without having to open them with a specific program. Windows 8 Milestones In version 3, the only option available is such rotated files, but everything indicates that in the final version of Windows 8, the range of possibilities is much greater.
Windows 8Reformed Task Manager
One of the main changes expected in Windows 8 is already almost complete sample in Milestone 3 the new Manager. Who was accustomed to the old look was surprised that Microsoft did reform, which introduced new options that allow more complete resource.
Details are shown as the amount of processing required by each program memory consumed even if the use of any network resource. All this with simple Windows 8 divisions that make the task of finding the information you seek.
Another interesting development is the ” Windows 8 Performance Dashboard”, an auxiliary panel that can analyze the overall performance of the machine. Alternatives such as existed in previous versions of Windows, however, were not as attractive visually, and so clearly presented the information contained in this option.
Windows 8 Immersive interface and Metro Browser
A resource that also arises from a somewhat hidden in Windows 8 Milestone 3 is the Immersive Browser, browser promises a more immersed experience on the Internet. Instead of filling the screen with various buttons and navigation bars, the Windows 8 program highlights the content of sites accessed by the user.
In the new Windows 8 Developer Preview edition, the Metro interface has completely changed the Windows 7 start menu, but this will come back in the final version of this operating system.

In order to leave the Windows 8 Metro interface you will have to use the following key combination: Windows + M or Alt + Tab. The classic Windows 8 interface is similar to the one in windows 7, except the Start button. When pressing it we will go back in the Metro interface. Because there will be no more start Menu, we will have to use some tricks in order in order to accomplish some common tasks, like shunting down the computer or re-start it.
Theses settings can still be found in Windows 8, in the settings panel in the Metro menu. they can be directly accessed by using the following key combination: Win + I.

Windows 8 Explorer

The new Windows Explorer interface is obviously improved  for using on touchscreens, being equipped with a complete set of icons, through which we are able to accomplish the most common tasks, like selecting and moving files. While the tablet users and those which are currently using to handle a computer will appreciate the new Windows 8 interface, those which are used to work with key combinations and mouse will be rather uncomfortable with this new Windows 8 interface.
Fortunately, the new interface will be based on ribbons, and, therefore, it will be easy to minimize it, having, in this way, a more cleaner look in the displayed windows and a lot more space which will be used for file lists.
Between the changes which have been brought to the new Windows 8 Explorer, you will find, also, a revised system for the copying and moving file system, in which all the relevant information are being placed in just one window, where we can pause, rewind or stop the tasks that are already running. Here we could also obtain detailed information regarding the data transfer speed, measured in real time, and displayed through graphics which will contain the speeds recording during the entire operation.
The way the conflicts are solved in Windows 8, when we want to copy or to move files to a location where there are already files with identical names, has been revised.
Instead of confusing  menus, in Windows 8 we will have a simplified dialogue window in which we will be able to select the files which we will want to keep.

Native Support for ISO and VHD files

In Windows 8 we won’t be needing specialized applications in order to access the image files. This feature will be available right from the Windows Explorer menu. All we have to do is to choose the desired ISO file and to use the Mount option.
Except supporting ISO files, Windows 8 will be able to handle VHD (virtual hard disk) also. This is a file format which allows the content in one hard drive to be stored on a single file.
The virtual disks in Windows 8 could be mounted as ISO files, too. But they will appear in Windows Explorer like some supplementary partitions of a hard disk, on which we will be able to run different file writing and reading tasks.

Internet Explorer 10 and Windows 8

Under Windows 8, Internet Explorer 10 will come with two interfaces. IF we launch the Taskbar application, we will receive the classic interface, which resembles to the one in Internet Explorer 9.
When Internet Explorer 10 is opened from the Windows 8 Metro interface start screen, the application will run in a maximized mode and will look completely different when comparing to the non-Metro version.

New Control Panel in Windows 8

The Windows 8 Metro interface has brought some benefits for the Control Panel, too. Now this will look cleaner, well organized and easy to understand, without any need of coming with too much explanations.
From all the configuration options which can be found in Windows 8 Control Panel, maybe the most interesting one could be Sync PC Settings. This will allow us to use the same sync settings on several PC’s, simultaneously, keeping the interface theme and the preferred wallpaper, too.

Windows 8 File History

File History feature can be found in Windows 8 Control Panel and allows the configuration of a hard disk for backup tasks. This way, a history of safe copies for all the user’s files could be kept. File History creates a copy every time we save a file in Windows 8, edit a photo or just erasing or copying some files.
Windows 8 File History will work for different saving locations on your hard disk, portable storage,or even for different network saving locations. When we want to restore an older version of a file, all we have to do is browse the File History Catalog from Windows 8, in which the files are displayed in chronological order.
The number of versions which are being kept for each files varies depending on the storing capacity which is available for Windows 8 File History service. The more storage space being allocated for this feature, the more files versions will be kept, and for a longer period of time.

More Flexibility in Windows 8

The task manager in windows 8 has been completely revised. The new version offers more features through which we can evaluate the status of our operating system.
In the simplified viewing mode we will find a list in which it will be displayed just the running applications. By pressing the More Information we will receive, in Windows 8, detailed information regarding the load grade of the CPU, the amount of occupied RAM memory, the load of the network connection and the data transfer amount to and from hard disk drive.
A novelty that Windows 8 is bringing is the possibility to suspend the running applications activity, when they are not being used. Those applications will still remain active in the RAM memory, but without loading the CPU. The advantage coming from this fact is that we will be able to run those background applications exactly from the point we have stopped and without having to wait for reloading them. Unfortunately, the suspend function is available only for the applications which are developed for Windows 8 Metro interface.
Disclaimer: Please stop asking us to provide free Windows 8 CD Key, product key, serial number. Our site does not provide illegal content and nor illegal methods for windows activation, crack, keygen, too. Please buy the original software.
The App History Tab allows us to monitor the CPU load level, in Windows 8 and also the RAM memory, the hard disk activity, the network interfaces. all of these are being displayed in a graphic.
In the Windows 8 Start-up tab we can see the processes which being launched at the system start and, also, the time it needs to load each of them. This information is very useful because it allows us to quickly discover, and, if it is necessary, to delete the applications which are slowing our system boot.

 Windows 8 PC Refresh and Reset

In the older Windows versions, restoring the OS to the initial status was made by formatting the system partition, preceded by a complete re-installation.  Starting with Windows 8, we can remake the operating system, without risking to lose our photo or music collection or other important documents which are being saved on our hard disk, by running the “Refresh your PC” feature.
The Reset option in Windows 8 is equivalent with the clean install of the OS and will delete all the files that are being kept on the hard disk, except those related to the operating system.

Windows 8 Product Key, CD Key, Serial Number

Windows 8 is an excellent operating system. But sometimes it crashes and our PC become unusable. It will refuse to start or it will work very slow. This happens due to different factors like viruses, configuration issues, installing a big number of applications etc. When this happens, you need to re-install your Windows 8. Upon the installation process you will have to insert its product key. Some of us are familiar whith other terms like cd key/ serial number. All of them are the same thing. The problem appear when you have lost the product key (cd key/ serial number). We will show you some methods of recovering the desired windows code.
From the beginning we must advise you that this tutorial is valid only for those which have bought the original Windows 8 software and have lost their product key (cd key/ serial number). We do not encourage piracy and our tutorials are NOT for those which are using illegal methods of procuring software (like torrent download, crack, keygen, windows activation, for example).
Also, you should know that our methods of finding the Windows 8 product key (cd key/ serial number) are completely legal and do not involve using illegal materials like: crack, keygen or other illegal activation systems.

What is an Windows 8 Product Key?

Most of the software producers require the inserting of a product key upon the installation of that specific program or operating system. This is a security measure which the designers are taking against piracy. Windows 8 will also require the input of  the product key during its installation. The product key is a long string of characters, composed of letters and numbers.

What is an Windows 8 CD Key?

The CD Key needs to be inserted during the installation of a specific paid software. It has been designed to protect the illegal copy process of that program. Windows 8 also has a cd key which needs to be confirmed during its installation process. The cd key is a long string of characters, composed of letters and numbers.

What is an Windows 8 Serial Number?

The serial number is a concept similar to the ones described above. It is a long string of characters (letters and numbers) which will be inserted during the Windows 8 setup process. The software producers are using serial number protection measures against piracy.
Don’t be tempted to use a free cd key, product key or serial number for a copy of Windows 8, even if you have bought the original product. This is as illegal as using a keygen, a crack or an activation method for a copy of windows 8 which has been downloaded from a torrent site.

Methods for recovering Windows 8 product key (cd key/ serial number)

1. First of all, you should seek the original package of your your Windows 8, if you have bought the PC/ laptop before this software to be released. The product key (cd key/ serial number) should be in that package. If your computer already with Windows 8 installed, then it should have a sticker on it. That sticker should contain the product key (cd key/ serial number), also. Of course, you could ask the official Microsoft representative in your country to provide you with a valid product key (cd key/ serial number), but this depends on their regultaions in that specific country.
Don’t use illegal content like free cd key, product key, serial number. They are forbidden by the law even if you have bought the original Windows 8. It would be pretty much similar like using the a crack,  keygen or other activation methods for a copy which you have downloaded from a torrent site.
2. If you did not manage to find the Windows 8 product key (cd key, serial number) in the original package of this software, or on the case of your computer/ laptop, then you should know that it is still stored in the windows Registry. Unfortunately you won’t be able to see it, because it is encrypted. The good news is that there is a tool which will help you finding and showing the desired Windows 8 product key (cd key, serial number).
Download the following free tool: Windows 8 Product Key, CD Key, serial number finder
On that specific website you need to scroll down until you find the last version of Keyfinder (v2.x.x). Download it. A window will be displayed and will require you to input the location where you want this tool (archive) to be saved. This should be on your computer’s hard drive. I suggest saving it on your desktop so you could find it easily.
After the download has finished, go to your Desktop and find the zip archive (it’s a file with a zip icon). Double click on it. It will have some files in it. Select those files and click “extract all” option which can be found in the menu of the archiving tool. In the box that will appear, select the “save file” option. An extraction wizard will begin. click on “next” and then select your desktop as the destination folder. again, you will use the desktop in order to easily find the installation files of the Windows 8 product key (cd key, serial number) finder tool. You will be, then, informed that the extraction process has ended. Click on the “Finish” button. A window called “security warning” will be displayed. Click on run. The installation process of the a/m tool will start.
Now, the Windows 8 product key (cd key, serial number) Keyfinder has been installed and it is ready yo find your needed code. You just have to run it  by double clicking on the Keyfinder.exe file in the extract archive folder, if it did not already started. A window will appear and will display all the programs (which are installed in your computer) in its left pane (Microsoft Office, Adobe, games etc.). Click on Windows 8 and its  product key (cd key, serial number) will be displayed in the right panel. It will be a long string of characters (25, to be more precise), composed of letters and numbers, too.
Once you have found the Windows 8 product key (cd key, serial number), remember to save it in a notepad and place it in a secure location. Also, it would be a good idea to write it on your agenda and keep it in your desk, so you can easily find if you will need it again, in the future.
This was the entire process of recovering your lost Windows 8 product key (cd key, serial number).
Because this is an important software, please allow me to remind you a few important things:
The methods I have described in the above mentioned paragraphs are completely free and, the most important, they are LEGAL. Please do NOT be tempted to use free Windows 8 product key (cd key, serial number) for your original operating system. This is illegal even if you have bought the original software. Again, i need to mention the fact that this would be a similar situation with the one when using illegal content like: crack, keygen or other methods for Windows 8 activation.
Always buy original software, as this is what helps software producers to release new products version, service packs etc. If you landed on this page while searching for free Windows 8 product key (cd key, serial number) or illegal content like: crack, keygen, windows activation methods, please be informed that we do not encourage piracy, and you will not find those kind of materials on our site.

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