In this article you will be provided with an unlock method for Samsung Galaxy Y S5360/ S5363. Officially there is no unlock method on the internet (netlock). There are two interesting threads on XDA and android-hilfe, but without a solution.
This tutorial has not been created by us, therefore we cannot assume any of the results that may follow after applying it. The smartphone could be damaged, therefore proceed at your own risk. Also, we strongly advise you to make a backup of all your data you have saved on your Samsung Galaxy Y before starting this unlock procedure.
This tutorial is valid only for Samsung Galaxy Y S5360/ S5363. If applied on any other models, it might brick the device.
Things you need before starting the unlock tutorial of your Samsung Galaxy Y S5360/ S5363:
- Download Android SDK. Install it;
- Download a HEX Editor;
- The device must be rooted.
How To Unlock Samsung Galaxy Y Tutorial
This procedure will deal with bml15.bin. You can find more details on this XDA thread.
- Connect your smartphone to the PC, using the USB cable.
- Access the command prompt in your Windows computer. In order to do that, click on Start button, and in the search field, type ‘cmd.exe’. Once found, open it. In this window you need to head to the folder where Android SDK has been installed. It should like this: C:\\Android\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools. Here you need to run ‘adb shell’, using the command prompt.
- $ su
- On your Samsung Galaxy Y S5360/ S5363 you have to confirm that the application has root privileges.
- Revert to the command line.
- # cat dev/block/bml15 > /data/local/bml15.bin
- # exit
- $ exit
- C:\\Android\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools>adb pull data/local/
- A similar notification will be displayed: 3401 KB/s (1048576 bytes in 0.301s)
- Use the HEX editor to make the needed modifications and rename the folder like this: bml15_unlocked.bin
- With your Samsung Galaxy Y connected to the PC, access the command prompt window and head to the android SDK folder, which should have a similar path to the following one: C:\\Android\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools
- C:\\Android\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools>adb push bml15_unlocked.bin /data/local/bml15_unlocked
- You will be provided with a notification which should look like this one: 3968 KB/s (1048576 bytes in 0.258s)
- Run: C:\\Android\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools>adb shel
- $ su
- Confirm on your smartphone that this application has root privileges.
- Revert to the command line.
- dd if=/data/local/bml15_unlocked of=/dev/bml15
- # exit
- $ exit
- Restart your Samsung Galaxy Y S5360/ S5363
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